Tomeka Liggans was selected as our first Special Education Spotlight during Teacher Appreciation Week 2018. Tomeka was nominated to our Spotlight by a professional friend who recognized her hard work, positive attitude, and commitment serving students with complex emotional and behavioral challenges. As a thank you from all of us at MindWorks Collaborative, Tomeka will receive a gift card and certificate of appreciation. Learn more about her below and look out for the rest of our spotlights during Teacher Appreciation Week 2018!

Tomeka is a dedicated special education teacher at the Richmond Educational Academy for Learning (REAL) School in Richmond, VA. The REAL School is a therapeutic day treatment program based in Richmond Public Schools that was designed to provide a non-traditional school setting for students who require structured therapeutic school-based supports. Students are enrolled in the program through the IEP team decision-making process regarding placement.  

How long have you worked in special education?

  • 9 years

What is your favorite aspect of working in SPED?

  • Teaching SPED allows me to meet student at their potential level. Knowing that we all have a deficit(s) in some area, teaching gives me the opportunity to be creative and bring out the best in all of my students.

What is one accomplishment at work that you are most proud of? Why?

  • I presented a plan to my administration for SOL remediation and they immediately responded in a positive manner. This was a proud moment because I’ll be receiving my M.A. Education in the area of Curriculum and Instruction and this allowed me to utilize my degree.

What past experiences helped to prepare you for your current role?

  • AmeriCorps gave me an opportunity to become a reading coach. It was during this time that I took notice that our young African American males were struggling with reading. I felt the need to do more so I became a long-term substitute at Swansboro Elementary school and that what lead me to teaching Special Education.

What keeps you motivated day in and day out?

  • Being able to reach at least one student.

What is one special ritual you have to start or end your day at work?

  • Every morning I have a moment of silence before my students enter the class. It is at this time that I reflect on my students’ needs and wants. Often time the students come in with baggage(s) from the weekend, so I have to be prepared to direct them to the assignment, but also listen to what happened to them during the weekend. At the end of each day I let them know that their tomorrow is going to be better than their yesterday!

What events/interactions have inspired you this year?

  • Completing my Master of Arts degree and not giving up. During this process I had to write a thesis and at times I wanted to give up, but my students pushed me. With all that going on I was nominated to sit on the SOL review committee and was selected. So giving up was not an option because my students were watching!